Revised and reprinted from 2022.
A Depraved mind
“Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.” - Romans 1:28
Have you wondered about the origins of gender transitions? Meet the depraved mind of Dr. John Money, the Father of Transgenderism (July 8, 1921–July 7, 2006). His evil philosophy rules the transgender world from the grave.
Wikipedia says that Money was a “New Zealand psychologist, sexologist and author known for his research into sexual identity and biology of gender.” He founded the Gender Identity Clinic at Johns Hopkins University. That may sound innocuous, but Money opened a Pandora’s Box that is destroying an untold number of lives.
Like Darwin, Marx, and Freud, Money rejected God. In his godless worldview, he theorized that boys could become girls and visa versa. He falsely believed that gender is determined by environment and culture, not by God.
Money’s hypothesis was tested in 1965 when twin boys, Bruce and Brian Reimer were born. During a botched circumcision, Bruce’s penis was essentially burned off of his body. Looking for help, the boys’ parents went to John Hopkins University and Dr. Money talked them into performing sex reassignment surgery on Bruce before he was 2-years-old. From that point on Bruce was raised as a girl named, Brenda. But despite Money’s theory and the parents raising Bruce as a girl, he acted like a boy.
The twins attended regularly scheduled therapy sessions with Dr. Money which consisted of the boys disrobing and inspecting each other’s genitals. Money even had the twins simulate sex acts with each other. In a Rolling Stone interview, Bruce, known as Brenda recalled that at least once, Money photographed those exercises.
By the time that Bruce was 13, he was depressed and suicidal so his mother finally told him the truth; that he was born as a boy. Bruce immediately changed his name from Brenda to David and transitioned back to a boy. He even had surgery to transition back to a male but the psychological and physiological damage, committed by Money, had taken its toll.
At the age of 36, his brother Brian committed suicide by overdosing on antidepressants and two years later David killed himself in a parking lot with a shotgun. Both were victims of Money’s depravity.
In a 2020 podcast, The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh said, “John Money’s experiment (on the Reimer twins), though it was a catastrophic failure and his theories were dramatically disconfirmed, he still achieved a victory on the cultural battlefield. Today, ideas first proposed by a man who thought child rape could be loving and performed a year’s long sexually abusive experiment on two unwilling children who later went on to kill themselves, are taken as gospel truth. And to question them is heresy.”
Isaiah 5:20 says, “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.”
Money’s Gender Theory is evil but our culture calls it good. Gender theory has become an idol and its worshippers are dressing, acting and carving up their bodies as an act of worship to this false god.
Colossians 2:8 (NLT) warns, “Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ.”
Money’s Gender Theory is “nonsense" that comes from “human thinking” and demonic spiritual powers of this world and it has captured today’s culture.
Since Money’s death in 2006, his depraved philosophy started a transgender pandemic, which continues to spread like a virus throughout our culture destroying the lives of young and old.
So how should Christians respond? Speak truth in love. Walt Heyer knows. He identified as a transgender woman for 8 years before Jesus Christ transformed his life and he now has a passion to help others who regret changing their gender. Heyer’s website, Sex Change Regret helps people who struggle with gender dysphoria.
If you’ve ever wondered what happened to America, remember this: The devil creates counterfeit religions and philosophies to deceive people. Our culture is buying Money’s counterfeit.
As a Christian, I’m commanded to: 1. “not be deceived,” 2. “resist the devil,” 3. “speak the truth in love,” share with others 4. “the reason for the hope that is in me” and hopefully by 5. “all means, I might win a few” to Christ so that I can 6. “make disciples of all nations.”
REFERENCES: 1. 1 Corinthians 15:33; 2. James 4:7; 3. Ephesians 4:15; 4. 1 Peter 3:15; 5. 1 Corinthians 9:22; 6. Matthew 28:19.
VIDEO - J. Warner Wallace is a former cold case homicide detective who became a Christian after investigating the Bible’s eyewitness accounts of Jesus. This short video is fascinating — “How other world religions point to Jesus.”