Wow. So much creative thinking goes into a scam like this. Wonder what she/he could have achieved if only they put that creativity toward a legitimate enterprise.

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Thank you, Gary for “Almost persuaded,” a lesson on deception and trying to live in a nation where truth is mostly non-existent.

Most of us were taught as children not to lie. Our consciences were pricked at a very young age. We were raised in the training and discipline of our LORD. We knew right from wrong so a lie could not be made to be true.

The Word of God tells us our nature outside of this training is to serve ourselves above others at any cost. So we lie, steal, kill and destroy to attain those goals.

Today our children are told by their teachers to lie to their parents because what they are told and what they do at school is none of their business.

And then there is the absurd notion of “it’s my truth.” Your truth is not my truth. As a matter of fact, there is no real truth.

This is the wicked logic that permeates a nation that is in rebellion against God. What is happening in our country today is a picture of what it looks like to live in a world without our Creator God who is the standard for absolute truth. His authority establishes that truth. The Bible says that Jesus is “the way, and the truth, and the life” and that He is the ultimate manifestation of truth and the only way one can get to heaven (John 14:6).

We murder babies in the mother’s womb and on the delivery table up to 28 days after birth. Do we expect a people who can do that to tell the truth? Forgive us O’ GOD!

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The Rep. Hunt. vs. Director Wray video was telling in that the only concrete fact that FBI Director Wray can provide is the number of FBI applicants that come from Texas.

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We get these types of emails all the time. Usually the fraudsters are WILLING to buy whatever you are selling (goods or services) then they employ the bait and switch as their next move. Repentance is never in their playbook once they are exposed - they just move on to their next victim. It’s always the same pattern with these godless, money-loving criminals.

I’m glad you had your instincts on high alert and didn’t get scammed by these people, but prayed for them instead.

May the Lord richly bless you.

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A great lesson to learn. Scammers are everywhere and are low life that take advantage of the elderly and naive. Thanks for sharing.

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Well done. Thank you for sharing and teaching.

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Gary, thank you for being a bright light in a dark world. I'm sorry that you ended up spending time drawing things for the deceiver before you discovered her trick.

Before I retired, I received similar deceptions, mostly from China, where I was promised fees from a large corporation. Corporation. When I went online to check it out, there was too much information, specifically spreadsheets about their income and such that you never find online about other corporations. Corporations. I googled the address and it came back from an apartment and a multi-story building. I was blessed not to spend any time more than just investigating what seem too good to be true.

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