Sep 24Liked by Gary Varvel

“IF” … you want more failure, she’s definitely your girl! Here’s your Top-25 reasons to vote Blue to continue the abject proven failures …

1. Open Borders.

2. Rampant Crime // Unsafe & Lawless Cities.

3. Mass Drug Addiction and Fentanyl Deaths.

4. Election Insecurity, Manipulation, Interference (eg: ActBlue)

5. Indoctrination of Children.

6. Asymmetrical Weaponization of Justice.

7. Destruction of Property Rights.

8. Unnecessary Inflation & Debt.

9. Global Depopulation Agenda by the WEF.

10. Record Low Fertility & Plummeting Birth Rates.

11. Unaccountable Federal Bureaucrats.

12. Toxic Food Supply via GMO’s.

13. Vaccine & Pandemic Disinformation via WHO, CDC, GAVI, Faucci, and Main Stream Media.

14. Trans Contagion & Sterification of Children.

15. Overprescription of Pharmaceuticals.

16. Destruction of Nuclear Family // Parental Rights.

17. DEI & the New Racism.

18. Moral // Societal Decay.

19. Financing of Endless Wars.

20. Sprawling Surveillance State.

21. Centralization & Consolidation of Guv’ment Power.

22. Destruction of Trust // Confidence in Institutions.

23. Censorship Industrial Complex.

24. State Media Propaganda (NBC, ABC, CBS, NPR, MSNBC, etc).

25. Smearing of those innocent individuals whom rightfully challenge and question the narrative from the State Media (eg: Sheryll Atkinson).

Extra’s …

• More George Soro’s sponsored State AG’s // DA’s

• More Anti-Semitism

• More Decline in Personal Wealth

• More Divisiveness pushed within the Greater Societies

• More Entrenched - Entitled Elites dictating standards of life to everyday citizens

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Touche, Rob.

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Most thorough and informative article, Mr. V. If only the ignorant and uninformed would bother to do their deep dive. But, then again ...


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Thanks Charlie

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Sep 24Liked by Gary Varvel

....or don't like, 18 strongest reasons NOT to vote for VP Harris!

(Great AMMO for Trump!)

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Thanks Michael.

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Sep 24Liked by Gary Varvel

They keep saying that grocery prices have risen 20%. I wish that were true, because, imho, the prices have risen 50-100%.

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