Apr 30Liked by Gary Varvel

A thought that has been in my mind for a couple of weeks especially has been. How do these individuals who are "demonstrating" by disrupting campus academic activities determine they have all of the answers, and can justify their behaviors. My parents and I worked hard to secure my degree, and I had to maintain a GPA to remain in college/university. There was no time available for such activities that are happening now to occur. What kind of employees, business owners, and etc. will they be. If these individuals are not "happy" about is going on, what will be their productive choice of action be. Just a thought. Staging a "sit in" doesn't provide answers.

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Excellent points Cynthia

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I agree that Soros et al is funding the pro-Hamas protesters, it’s an orchestrated event, but the agenda is to push antisemitism as a hate crime. I wouldn’t be even a little bit surprised if the so-called university protesters are Antifa masquerading as college students because Antifa (and BLM; both funded by Soros) is paid government operatives.

I’m Christian; I follow Yeshua, Lord and Savior, but I’ll never be a Christian Zionist. I’m saying this as many times as necessary:

We’ve been indoctrinated that Israel is the Apple of God’s Eye (Scofield Reference Bible commissioned by Rothschilds), which will be used to deceive many, except scripture (Genesis 12:3) doesn’t specify Israel which did not exist in Genesis 12. YHWH is speaking to Abraham about the Messianic lineage. This is prophecy and promise of Yeshua, Lord and Savior.

Genesis 12:3

And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

Israel and the US (Zionist-controlled governments) created and fund Hamas. How was Israel with its IDF, the most advanced, high tech military, US military aid, state-of-the-art intelligence, surveillance and the Iron Dome, caught by surprise? Why was the music festival moved near the Gaza border within 48 hours of October 7th? Why did it take the IDF nearly 7 hours to respond to Hamas paragliding effortlessly in, attacking, raping, killing and taking hostages? All without any resistance from the high tech, highly-advanced IDF. For nearly 7 hours Hamas was allowed to rape, torture, kill and take hostages before the IDF responded. Also, Israel has backtracked, stating there is no evidence of babies beheaded by Hamas, CNN apologized for its reporting and the WH retracted its statement that Biden saw photos. I’m not saying no one has been hurt or killed (thousands on both sides), but that it seems the stories were embellished to foment strong emotions. There’s video of Netanyahu saying that there will be a conflict, but Israel must not be seen as the aggressor. October 7th has all of the hallmarks of being a false flag to justify the Zionists attacking Gaza.

The Israel of today is not the Israel of Biblical times. All world governments are infiltrated and controlled by the Rothschild Zionists aka UN/WEF globalists, Freemasons, Jesuits, Illuminati, etc. (many names to create confusion).

Zionists control everything in this world; politics, government, judiciary, commerce, finance, science, technology, medicine, education, and media (news and entertainment). The Zionists want their NWO, one world government/currency/religion, mass worldwide depopulation (GMOs/famine, 5G, HAARP/geoengineering, pharma/vaxx, biowarfare/pandemics, war, etc.); and absolute control over humanity (ID2020/nanotech/graphene oxide/5G). The UN with its Lucis (Lucifer) Trust is not the humanitarian, peacekeeping entity it masquerades. The UN is the nascent one world government of the NWO beast system. The Zionists are the Luciferian cabal that rules this temporal world.

Zionism is a political movement, not Judaism. It is not antisemitic to be anti-Zionist. The Zionists are the fascists that hide behind the cloak of antisemitism, and yet they are the false Jews, synagogue of Satan, YHWH warns us of in Revelation.

YHWH was very careful to separate the Messianic line from the Ashkenaz line. The Ashkenaz are not of the Messianic line. Noah had three sons, Shem, Ham, Japeth. Shem’s descendants are Abraham, Isaac, Jacob/Israel, David, Yeshua; the Messianic lineage. Ham’s descendants are the Canaanites. Japheth’s descendants through son Gomer and grandson Ashkenaz are the Ashkenazi Khazar Jews.

Zionists originated as Ashkenazi (Noah’s great-grandson Ashkenaz; Genesis 10:3; I Chronicles 1:6) Khazar Jews first in what is now N. Turkey, then migrated to Khazaria (present day Ukraine) where they converted to Judaism while practicing dark arts, sacrificing to Baal. The Zionist Ashkenazi Khazar Jews follow the Babylonian Talmud, not the Torah. They gained power through the Bolsheviks, Rothschilds and Rockefellers. AshkeNAZI Khazar Jews are the Khazarian Mafia.

YHWH warns of the false Jews.

Revelation 2:9

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 3:9

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

There are many layers to the deception. What’s depicted on the Israeli flag as the star of David is ancient idolatry, the star of Remphan.

Amos 5:26

But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves.

Acts 7:43

Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.

We’re watching Biblical prophecy unfold. The Zionist UN/WEF globalist agenda is one world government/currency/religion, mass worldwide depopulation, and absolute control over humanity. The Zionists want a NWO. The Zionists will rebuild the temple in Jerusalem and their deity/messiah, the man of perdition aka the Antichrist, will sit upon the throne and declare himself God. He will be charismatic and powerful. Many will be deceived. All people, great and small, will be forced to worship the beast and accept the mark of the beast (right hand or forehead; the technology is ready) to buy or sell. Those of us that refuse will face death. The fate of those that accept the mark of the beast is sealed.

Watch the site of the Dome of the Rock, the Temple Mount, which was the location of the first two Temples of Jerusalem. The Dome of the Rock, at the center of the Al-Aqsa mosque compound on the Temple Mount, is the Islamic shrine which was built in the 7th century. The Zionists want this site on the Temple Mount for the building of the third temple where their messiah, the man of perdition aka as Antichrist, will declare himself God.

The Jewish people broke YHWH’s covenant through idolatry, Baal worship and rejection of Yeshua as Lord and Savior. YHWH’s chosen people are ALL believers in Christ; those that accept Yeshua as Lord and Savior. In Christ there is no Jew or Gentile. YHWH has protected a remnant of the descendants of the Twelve Tribes of Judah, the 144,000; they will accept Yeshua as Lord and Savior and proclaim the Gospel during the Tribulation.

YHWH’s covenant/promise is future tense, the New Jerusalem, prophesied in Revelation, to all believers in Yeshua, Lord and Savior, and not of this temporal world. YHWH will destroy this world in the pouring out of His wrath and the final battle between good and evil, Armageddon, on the Mount of Meggido. Lucifer and his evil minions will be cast into the Lake of Fire. Why would YHWH’s covenant of a promised land be temporary? His covenant is with ALL believers in Yeshua as Lord and Savior.

All glory to Yeshua, Lord and Savior.

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We can't even imagine any joke more amazing than the one now serving in the White House.

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Thank you. Great substack, as always.

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Thank you very much, Czechs.

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In fairness to Keynes, this really isn't his fault. Things have changed.

In the 1940s, the average dollar changed hands 27 times before it left circulation by one means or another, getting taxed every time. Haven't looked in a while but about 10 years ago that number was 6, after which it went off to China or some other country from where we import things we used to make. Neoliberalism isn't compatible with Keynesian economics.

In more ways than one. We still think in Keynesian terms, and politicians still talk in Keynesian terms, but we became a monetarist economy during the Clinton administration.

And even if Keynesian spending does have some effect it isn't without limits. As one politician put it when asked why he was opposed to a stimulus package, "We have a $300 billion deficit - that is a stimulus package." So the US has spent about $34 trillion stimulating the economy over the last 25 years. Just like Japan's 0 interest rates caught up to them, our endless self-stimulation has caught up to us.

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How will this end, Matt?

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It's hard to see it ending well, but I'm not that smart so there are definitely a lot things I don't know or can't see. But it looks to me like neoliberal policies are very difficult to unwind. And they feed each other. That's why some of Trump's ideas are good in theory but in practice they don't work or could have disastrous consequences.

There are things I know we need to do, but how to do them, or if we can do them, is beyond me. Mostly we need to fix the tax code.

We moved to taxation as a pure revenue stream for the government some decades ago. It's a bad model because we'll never generate enough taxes to finance all the things we want to do. Historically, we used taxes to modify behavior. Things that were bad for the country were taxed heavily, things that were good for the country weren't taxed at all. That is an extremely long lever, because if we do it right most of the money corporations are able to make is used to the benefit of all (or at least most) while they continue to profit, and theoretically there's no limit.

We also used the tax code to prohibit price speculation in our securities markets. Price speculation is anti-capitalist, because it encourages (demands, really) rent seeking behavior. Current policy discourages investment in jobs and physical plant, discourages innovation, and encourages treating shares as the primary product of every corporation.

The first won't work very well until we fix the second. Fixing the second destroys every retirement account in the country, as far as I can tell. Again, I'm not that smart, maybe (hopefully) someone who is smart can see a way to do it.

One good thing that's happening organically is people are starting to make things and do real jobs here, largely as a response to what's happened to our higher education systems. And we could encourage that, while discouraging corporations from monopolizing the needed resources, without doing any damage. I think.

Either we roll back to a point where we can move forward in a better direction, or there will be a reset. If there's a reset, hopefully we can manage it in a way that prevents us from living in a science fiction future where Asians own the country and dollars are used as kindling.

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Well said, keep up your great work!!

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Thank you, Max

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Soros is a likely candidate ...

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