Well written. When I married in 1973 my husband had just graduated from college as an environmental engineer. Hours weren’t bad initially while I was working too and we took the train to and from Chicago together. Then we had our first child. That was when the commute time was no longer beneficial. We moved back to Wisconsin. My husband was very good at his job and with that came more hours. By the time he was at his final job, he was vice president and part owner of the firm. Over time he had different health issues and at 57 the Lord called him home. By that time we had three grandchildren and our son was in his final year at the seminary. My husband was blessed by seeing his son preach but never saw him become a pastor. My son and his dad were very close. My husband was even the best man at my son’s wedding, so his death hit hard. After all now my son was the “man” of the family and he had to be strong for me. And now, 15 years later, I am blessed to be able to observe how my son strives to make time with his family. He realizes how much he would have liked his dad around more. It is important for fathers to keep a balance between family and their vocation. The world will eat you up if you’re not careful.

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Nails it.

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